Looking through my archives of material, I found some items that I’ve never seen online anywhere else. The text of Open-Apple and A2-Central is available in a couple of places, but no one has posted PDFs of the newsletter Ahs that was released during 1994 as the organization tried to transition itself into the failing Apple II world.
On this page in my Files (downloads) section, there are five PDF files from this year. There is a single issue of the ICON Beacon from January 1994, introducing the organization; there are three issues of Ahs, for Spring, Summer, and Autumn 1994, and finally there is the Spring 1994 issue of the Resource Central catalog, which was advertising the new ICON organization.
In a separate section in the Files section I have also included a scan of the January 1989 issue of the GEnie Livewire magazine. This can be found here.
Happy new year and thank you for that!